News and Media Releases

  • 14 Apr 2018 4:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bill Zhou at Noodle Paradise is a proud Advance Morwell member who aside from conducting a great Noodle business in Commercial Rd Morwell he has given up his weekends to help care for the street rose tubs & support other Advance Morwell initiatives. Please support this business, these testemonials speak highly of his products.

    Karen Lancaster: Can recommend it for fast delicious food and great prices.

    Steven Mizzi: Nice food there

    Audette Moore: Noodle Paradise is the best, it's actually amazing, love it!

    Nanny Fee: Love their noodles

    Kelly Phillips: Best noodles I’ve ever had.

  • 14 Apr 2018 3:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    With the Latrobe City Gift Cards now accepted at the Latrobe Regional Gallery, the Latrobe Visitors Information Centre, as well as the Churchill, Morwell and Moe/Newborough Leisure Centers, this marks over 100 businesses currently participating in the Latrobe City Gift Card initiative.

    A joint venture between the Latrobe City Business Tourism Association (LCBTA), Traralgon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Moe Trader’s Association and Advance Morwell to boost local business and support locals.

    To celebrate reaching 100 participating businesses, the LCBTA gave away a $100 Latrobe City Gift Card, entries open Friday 6th April and close Wednesday 11th April 2018. To enter, find @LatrobeCityGiftCard on Facebook and follow the instructions.

    A great gift, Latrobe City Gift Cards are available at:
    Furniture, Beds and More - 32 George Street, MOE
    Morwell Newspower Centre - 174/176 Commercial Road, MORWELL
    Seymour Street Newsagency (Newspower) - 70 Seymour Street, TRARALGON

    If you are a business member of Advance Morwell and would like more information about joining the Latrobe City Gift Card, go to our events list & select the item OR visit or email Sandy Hegarty at

  • 27 Mar 2018 6:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Get your business questions answered by local, state and federal government agencies in one location at Legacy Place, Morwell on Wednesday 18 April between 10am-1pm.

    Hear from the Victorian Small Business Commission, Latrobe Valley Authority, Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Consumer Affairs Victoria, Fair Work Ombudsman, Rural Financial Counsellors, Regional Development Victoria, Sustainability Victoria, Australian Taxation Office, and many more.

    If you have a new business idea, need help employing staff, want to reduce your energy bills, need advice on resolving a business dispute, or have any other business-related questions, this is the place to come.

    No bookings required and it’s FREE!

    Legacy Place is located on Commercial Road, opposite Tarwin Street.

    There will even be a free sausage sizzle for those business owners and operators who attend!

    This ‘Grow Your Business, Together’ event is brought to you by Advance Morwell Inc. and supported by the Victorian Small Business Commission and Latrobe Valley Authority.

  • 6 Mar 2018 7:22 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Advance Morwell member John Jacovou manager of the Morwell ANZ Bank branch on his 30 years of service with ANZ. 

    John began his career with the bank in Morwell 30 years ago and has served in a number of roles in a variety of locations before coming back to work in the Latrobe Valley with roles in the Traralgon & Morwell branches. 

    Photo of John receiving his award from Kate Wallis, District Manager Gippsland.

  • 26 Feb 2018 9:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Advance Morwell congratulates Helloworld Travel Morwell owned by proud Advance Morwell member Irene O’Donnell on their awards.  Three employees of the Helloworld Morwell travel franchise were recognised at the recent industry awards evening.

    • Kim Stoll was the 2017 State winner Consultant of the Year & Diamond Achievement Award
    • Antoinette Stokell was a finalist in the Helloworld Rookie of the Year and
    • Joy Martin received her Silver Achievement Award.
    Helloworld Morwell is the most experienced travel agency in the Latrobe Valley with over 70 years combined travel experience in the team, over 85 countries visited, many multiple times, that provides service to its clients before, during and after their travel.

    L to R Helloworld owner Irene O'Donnell with Joy Martin (Silver Award), Kim Stoll (State Consultant of the Year & Diamond Award) and Antoinette Stokell (Finalist Rookie of the Year). 

  • 16 Dec 2017 9:32 AM | Deleted user


    Tonight we celebrate 19 years of operation and service by Advance Morwell to the Morwell Community and it is again my pleasure to present a report of our activities over the past year.


    The Committee have continued to meet on the first Tuesday of the month at the Morwell Centenary Rose Garden Meeting room in Maryvale Crescent to pursue all issues of interest to Morwell and the wider Latrobe Valley.  


    The Advance Morwell Traders Group has also met monthly, organising and supporting promotions in the Morwell CBD. 


    The following report is prepared by John Guy on behalf of the Committee


    I would like to recognize the Committee Members who have served the organization over the past year - David McInnes, Max Williamson, Graeme Sennett, Bev Lorraine, Shashi Bhatti, Keith Brownbill, John Guy, Lauren Marks, Lynn Keeley, Howard Williams and Ruth Codlin


    We have grappled with the challenge of obtaining suitable Committee Members who are willing to assume Executive Roles and are indebted to Shashi Bhatti for taking on the role of Treasurer.


    John Guy has continued to represent Advance Morwell on the Morwell Project Group which was formed after the Mine Fire to deliver on a plan for the development of Morwell.  RMIT were selected as the consultants and plans were delivered which are now with council for implementation of Stage one which is centered on the area between  Hazelwood Road and Tarwin Street.


    John has also represented Advance Morwell on the Community Recovery Committee which was formed at the time of the Hazelwood Mine Fire and has continued its activities over the past 4 years. 


    • Recruitment of strong community leaders.
    • Recruitment of strong community leaders.
    • Worked with Alan Wilson to pressure insurance companies.
    • Provided equipment for clean up.
    • Distributed equipment to community groups.
    • Continued to work with emergency services about responding, communicating and plans for the future.
    • Worked with the Taskforce re: all issues especially clean up and future planning.
    • Participated in workshops with Red Cross etc: re how to communicate in an emergency (but wouldn’t say we solved those issues).
    • Supported family not in their house.
    • Provided a list of companies who could clean roof cavity.
    • Provided support for the door knocks and cleaning for HACC clients etc.
    • Provided support for the door knocks and cleaning for HACC clients etc.
    • Worked with LC staff to implement thank you events in 2014 and 2015.
    • Provided advice to Rob Gordon for article in LV Express.
    • Attended Hazelwood Mine tours to check on progress.
    • Supported all activities by government agencies where appropriate e.g. EPA consultations.
    • Attended workshop with EMV.


    Max Williamson has continued to represent Advance Morwell on the Yallourn Mine Environment Group.  Max has also worked closely with the Morwell Centenary Rose Garden Committee to design and erect signage throughout the garden.  Signage which has contributed significantly to the garden’s appeal to visitors.


    The Advance Morwell Committee has actively lobbied on behalf of the Morwell community.   We have met with our Morwell Council representatives and had meetings with Harriet Sing Member for Eastern Victoria in the Legislative Assembly. 


    We have been invited to and attended announcements by the Premier at the Latrobe Valley Authority and have had the CEO Karen Cain attend our Committee meeting to update the Committee on the function of the Authority and the projects and initiatives being planned for the future.


    We welcomed newly appointed Councilor Alan MacFarlane to our Committee meeting for an exchange of views regarding local Council activities.


    We have continued to work constructively with the Moe and Traralgon Business groups through the Latrobe City Business Tourism Association, a relationship which we intend to further grow and strengthen over the coming year.


    We have maintained a close relationship with ENGIE through Lauren Carey to ensure we have current knowledge of their plans for rehabilitation and fire protection.


    Arlie Bank Homestead


    After many years, Advance Morwell has relinquished our management of the Arlie Bank Homestead and handed the Building back to Council.  The work of Max Williamson in dealing with the many issues that have occurred during our Management of this building is much appreciated, with Max to be commended for the long and at times demanding intrusions on his time.


    We also recognize the work of Bev Lorraine who has been the occupier of Arlie Bank with her World of Dolls and exhibition which had attracted many visitors to Morwell and its other attractions.  Bev went way beyond her role in maintaining the gardens and the overall appearance of Arlie Bank during her term.


    General Meeting


    A General meeting of Members was held on Wednesday 14th June at PowerWorks.  Attendance was reasonable and Ian Nethercote provided an insightful presentation on the concept of high efficiency brown coal power plant and had a diversity of opinion on the future use of this within the region at this point of time.

    Mine Rehabilitation


    Advance Morwell has taken an active interest in Management of Hazelwood Rehabilitation Works and while rehabilitation is underway, greater clarity is still required as to what activities are being undertaken and how this aligns with statutory obligations.  Advance Morwell will continue to monitor and be involved in discussions on the Mine rehabilitation as it progresses.


    Gippsland Rail Project Implementation


    Through our membership of Committee for Gippsland we have continually lobbied fro improvement works on the Gippsland rail line.  We recognise the importance of these works being escalated for the next stage of rail improvements and have written to Harriett Shing and Mary Aldred at C4G requesting them to work towards the prioritized delivery of the Gippsland Line improvements.


    Traralgon Bypass


    The Committee unanimously supported the development of the Traralgon bypass, recognising the economic and connectivity benefits it will deliver to the greater Gippsland area.  The retention of the proposed Northern route is supported in order to retain future accessibility the coal resource.


    Legacy Place Musical Instruments


    As a result of a donation from an unknown benefactor, Musical instruments were purchased and installed at Legacy Place.  Some vandalism has occurred and repairs were required to the Drums.


    Legacy Place Power Supply


    David Mc Inness is working on plans to install a power supply.  This will provide greater flexibility for future events to be held at Legacy Place.


    Advance Morwell Traders


    Advance Morwell has been fortunate to have a small group of Morwell Traders as a part of our Committee.  The Morwell Traders meet separately and report to the Advance Morwell Committee on a regular basis.  The Traders Group are currently busy organizing a special event for Christmas 2017.




    Advance Morwell again provided $1,000 sponsorship for the Gippsland Antique and Collectables Fair.

    John V Guy OAM JP

    P O Box 3057

    MORWELL 384

  • 6 Dec 2017 3:56 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    On behalf of the committee and members, it was with much gratitude and in recognition of their excellent service and significant period holding office bearing roles that that Vice-President, Graeme Sennett,  awarded three of Advance Morwell’s greatest contributors Life membership. 

    John Guy, Keith Brownbill and Max Williamson the very deserving recipients, have all made a tremendous contribution to Advance Morwell over many, many years.

    John has undertaken the role of Chair for almost 20 years, and has not only actively led the organisation, but has provided active community representation.  He represented Advance Morwell on various committees including those responsible for Mine Fire Recovery, Future Morwell, The Morwell CBD Taskforce, Legacy Place Development, Kernot Hall redevelopment, amongst active participation in many other activities such as organising various events, and festivals and the development of a Morwell business guide.

    As the organisation’s Secretary for the best part of 20 years, Keith Brownbill has been actively involved in the Town Common Redevelopment, Legacy Place development, organising various community events including the initial International Rose Garden festivals, preparing award winning Tidy Town submissions along with leading the installation and maintenance of rose planter boxes throughout the CBD, developing a tourism brochure for Morwell and initiating the creation of new town entrance signage.

    Max Williamsons cautious guidance as Treasurer for almost 20 years ensured the organisations finances were in the best of hands.  Max led Advance Morwell’s largest project, the Airlie Bank House restoration, and subsequently managed the maintenance of this facility for many years.  He represented Advance Morwell on the Yallourn Environmental Review Committee, helped run various rose garden events, was actively involved in the Legacy Place Development and the erection of the Sir Stanley Savige memorial. 

    He played a key role on the Town Common Committee of management, provided input into the Hazelwood Mine Westfield development, organised the purchase and installation of addition Christmas decorations and provided active input onto the Northwest residential development. Most importantly he assisted in supporting the Latrobe Planning Scheme c62 Amendment challenging the Yallourn Mine overlay which ultimately enabled approval for the Morwell Golf Links residential development to be built. 

    Other activities included the design, construction and installation of new town entrance signage, and assisting Morwell Rose garden Committee with the development and installation of enhanced rose garden  signage and tourist information along with the development and installation of the town’s decorative murals.

  • 16 Nov 2017 3:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This event is proudly brought to you by Advance Morwell, we invite you to bring your friends and family to this free community event, filled with live music, carols by candle light thanks to Morwell Rotary Club.

    Special guest "Santa" will be attending with free lollie bags for the kids, face painting, petting zoo, skate park demonstrations, live broad casts, hot food and drinks, switching on the Bank Australia Christmas Lights to help light up the spirit of Christmas in Morwell.

    Please feel free to invite all your friends through Facebook, and help us to share this event.

    This event was made possible by Advance Morwell, Bank Australia, Morwell Rotary Club, Morwell Lions.

  • 18 Apr 2017 1:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Advance Morwell has applauded the announcement of carrier-approved in-train technology and increased mobile coverage to overcome ongoing cellular reception issues on V/Line trains.

    According to Advance Morwell spokesperson, Graeme Sennett, the ability to effectively utilise mobile services while travelling by train is essential and these improvements will benefit many V/Line passengers, in particular commuters.

    Mr Sennett, who is also a regular commuter said, “These improvements will provide rail patrons with the capacity to work effectively from when they board until they leave the train, adding many extra productive hours into their day”.

    “With the adoption of flexible work arrangements, along with many workers using cloud based computing solutions and instant messaging tools such as skype, this level of connectivity is essential.” He added.

    Advance Morwell has been lobbying for mobile signal improvements for some time and is a strong supporter of the recommendations of the Gippsland Rail Needs Study.

    “In this pivotal time, as the Latrobe region transitions to a carbon free economy, Advance Morwell is calling on the government to upgrade our rail services to build Gippsland’s capacity to become a commuter hub.” Said Mr Sennett.

    “This is a great step forward and I look forward to the improved connectivity that will be provided through these enhanced mobile services.”  He added.

    Further Information

    For further information contact Graeme Sennett, telephone 0417 509 149.

  • 12 Apr 2017 1:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Advance Morwell has opposed moves by a small section of the community to place a heritage listing on the Morwell Power Station and Briquette Factory.

    According to Advance Morwell spokesperson, John Guy, the call to retain the facility, while well intended, is misplaced.

    “The proponents need to think clearly about what they are suggesting and who will provide the significant finance for the transformation and continued maintenance of the facility.”  Said Mr Guy.

    “We also need to reflect on the history of the former Lurgi Plant and remember that it took over 30 years for that site to be rehabilitated – 30 years during which the site sat as a toxic, derelict eyesore, posing a risk to our community.”  He added. 

    Advance Morwell is very conscious that the Morwell Briquette and Power Station contains asbestos and other contaminants which must be removed under strict supervision and would pose a considerable challenge for any future use of the site.

    Mr Guy said “While we appreciate its role in our recent history and the many historical components on the site, Advance Morwell believes that these are best retained as an exhibit in an appropriate heritage centre or museum.”

    “Retaining former industrial assets is a creative idea, but as is currently the case with the Dredger adjacent to Power Works, they deteriorate quickly over time and end up being not only a potential health and safety risk, but also become a financial burden for State or Local Government.”  He added.

    Advance Morwell believes the remediated site, with its ample space, power and water supply services will be extremely suitable for the establishment of other industries.

    Mr Guy said “Advance Morwell is calling on the proponents of the heritage application to think through the potential consequences of their action and revoke their request in order to create much needed new jobs and allow the demolition of this site to proceed as soon as possible. 

    “We must be realistic, if it took over 30 years for the iconic former Battersea Power Station in the middle of London to be successfully repurposed, how long will it take to find and fund a future use for a former power station in regional Victoria”  Said Mr Guy.

Contact Us:      

                                                                                                                                                                                ADVANCE MORWELL INC. |   ABN: 79 430 405 176 
Incorporated Association Number: A36948L.                                                                                                                                               Address: PO Box 1061, Morwell Vic 3841  | Chair: Graeme Sennett
 | Tel:  0417 509 149   | email:

To Advance Morwell and the wider Latrobe City through unity and active community involvement.

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