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  • 25 Feb 2015 11:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Advance Morwell applauds the efforts of Reactive Latrobe and their 'Get Sunflowered' initiative which has resulted in some excellent publicity for  Morwell as well as a great community response. 

    Read more by following the link below:

  • 3 Sep 2014 1:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Advance Morwell has welcomed the recommendations of the Hazelwood Mine Fire Enquiry Report together with the affirmations made by both GDF SUEZ and the Victorian Government.

    According to John Guy, Chair of Advance Morwell,  the report is very comprehensive and clearly details the inadequacies of the GDF SUEZ response along with the failure of various Government agencies to respond in a timely manner.

    “While the report highlights the failure of Labour, Coalition and Local Governments and  Local government, to effectively regulate and enforce the operation of mining in the Latrobe Valley, Advance Morwell is disappointed that the recommendations do not address this situation.” Said Mr Guy  

    “If implemented, the comprehensive list of recommendations and affirmations, together with actions regarding  the regulation of coal mines in the Latrobe Valley, should mean that we never in future experience an event of this magnitude.”  He added.

    Mr Guy, who is a forty year plus resident of Morwell, as well as Chair of Advance Morwell, went on to say that there is a strong feeling within the Morwell Business and wider Community, that it is now time to see an end to the endless negative publicity about Morwell.  

    “Our traders, whose businesses suffered significant financial impacts as a result of the fires, are telling us that in the interests of the town’s future economic viability and reputation, we now need to put this traumatic event behind us and move on.”  Said Mr Guy.

    “We can do nothing to change the past, but we can use what we have learnt from this event to make sure that the people of Morwell and surrounds do not experience such a catastrophic event again.”  He added. 

    Advance Morwell has applauded this week’s announcement by Craig Lapsley, Chief Fire Officer, of the creation of the Latrobe Valley Fire District, covering about 25 fire brigades and all the power stations and coal mines.

    According to Mr Guy, this initiative will strengthen the effort to control and mitigate further outbreaks of fire in and around the Latrobe Valley.

  • 7 Jul 2014 12:00 AM | Deleted user

    Latrobe City councillors, Advance Morwell chair John Guy, Department of Planning and Community Development's Laurie Paton and Member for Morwell Russell Northe welcomed the improvements to the area around Morwell's skate park.

    "The existing Commercial Road roundabout is too narrow, with trucks and cars often clipping the brick retaining wall, which causes damage to the brickwork, creating a poor impression of the town for those entering Morwell from the east," Mr Northe said.

    "This project will fund an expansion of the roundabout to minimise damage from vehicles and reduce ongoing maintenance, with the roundabout garden to be enhanced with new plantings."

    Read the full article in our local newspaper

    The Express

  • 31 Jan 2006 6:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A memorial to honour the life and work of “Sir Stanley Savige” will soon be erected in Morwell according to Advance Morwell Chairman, John Guy.

    “Advance Morwell is extremely pleased to announce that the Sir Stanley Savige memorial will be constructed in the soon to be developed park adjacent to the new Rail Underpass in Commercial Road.”  Said Mr Guy.

    “This memorial will recognise and provide information about Sir Stanley Savige who, having been born in Morwell, became a prominent humanitarian and soldier and was also the founder of Legacy.”  He added.

    A “Sir Stanley Savige Memorial Committee” chaired by Cr. Darrell White has been formed and includes representatives from Latrobe City; Advance Morwell, Legacy and The Moe R&SL.  

    Invitations to join this Committee have also been issued to the Morwell R&SL, Morwell Lions Club and Morwell and Hazelwood Rotary Clubs. 

    Mr Guy Said “Advance Morwell will continue to take the lead role with the project, which has an estimated total cost of $15,000.”

    “It is proposed that the Memorial will be funded by contributions from the public, Advance Morwell, Latrobe City, other interested organisations and we will be appealing to the public to also make donations” He added.

    Advance Morwell will also seek assistance from the Federal and State Government and have set Legacy Week 2006 as the target date for completion and the official unveiling of the Monument.

    According to Mr Guy, local Sculptor Mr. Glen Davies has been approached to cast a Bust of Sir Stanley Savige and Advance Morwell will soon be tendering local stone masons to erect a suitable monument and install the Bust.

    In delivering a Memorial Oration at the Opening of the 26th Annual Conference of Legacy Clubs of Australia, 1954 Legatee Brian Armstrong said in part:

    “It was not ordained that Stanley George Savige should enjoy a long life, but it was to prove a life of outstanding service.” 

    Born at Morwell in Victoria in 1890 he received, with his brothers and sisters, such education as was then available to a lad in a mining district. 

    He had no particular opportunities of advancement, but from his early days he cherished a strong ambition to make a success of his life, and with this in view he lost no opportunity of adding to his knowledge. 

    Always a lover of the open country, a good bushman and a fine shot he became as a young man, a Scoutmaster with a keen following of boys. 

    Even in those early days he attracted youth, and showed undoubted promise of the quality of leadership which later was to make him famous.”

    “Down the years of Legacy there are many names deserving of honour, men from all States and of all stations of life, but no name stands out in such clear and bold relief as does the name of the man we now remember. 

    By his works you shall know him. He was, in my belief, the Soul of Legacy. He sought no office and preferred to work as one of the team.”

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