HOW WE HELP

Advance Morwell is the voice of Morwell’s businesses and broader community. We aim to provide community leadership and a vision for the future. We welcome your participation through our membership and are always looking for enthusiastic and motivated people to help drive our organisation and projects. While we advocate, we also provide support to our members, we listen, we promote, we are here to keep you in business, in Morwell, for years. to come. 


Established in 1997,  Advance Morwell is a community organisation which aims to advance Morwell and Latrobe City by creating opportunities for business and the broader community.  Our members are drawn from major organisations, businesses, professions and the broader community from the Morwell area.

Incorporating the former Morwell Chamber of Commerce and Industry (which was actively involved in the development of Morwell and surrounding districts for over fifty years), Advance Morwell has earned a reputation for constructively responding to and meeting the needs of its members and the local community.


                                                                                                                                Contact Us:      

                                                                                                                                                                                ADVANCE MORWELL INC. |   ABN: 79 430 405 176 
Incorporated Association Number: A36948L.                                                                                                                                               Address: PO Box 1061, Morwell Vic 3841  |  Graeme Sennett, Chair
 |  Tel:  0417 509 149   |  email: admin@advancemorwell.org.au

To Advance Morwell and the wider Latrobe City through unity and active community involvement.

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