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  • Advance Morwell

Advance Morwell is a community organisation with members drawn from major organisations, businesses, the professions, and the community.  Set up in 1997 it aims to advance Morwell and the Latrobe City by creating opportunities for business and the broader community.



Marion Ibrahim 

"The organisation's capable input enhances the effort and ambition of others. e.g. for the Morwell Rose Garden volunteers achieving a a storage building located in the gardens Commercial Road end so clearly made a world of difference to them."

Morwell Centenary Rose Garden Community Asset Committee   

"Advance Morwell has always been a great supporter of events organised in the Rose Garden. Last year a very generous financial donation was received which enabled the publication of 'The Morwell Centenary Rose Garden' 30th anniversary history book."


Caudia from Claudia's Cafe 

"Advance Morwell is bringing together the community and encouraging positive messaging about the town. If you are looking to join Advance Morwell, you would be giving Morwell a voice and contributing to efforts to improve the town."   

Geoff Mills from The Lighthouse

“As an original member, over many years I have been pleased to support Advance Morwell in their efforts as they have represented and worked towards improving Morwell." 

Tate and Lachie from  Benson’s Timber and Hardware

“As a longstanding Morwell business, we think Advance Morwell does a great job in supporting the town. They work on all sorts of projects and are really focussed on making sure Morwell continues to grow and develop.” 

Sam and Jacqui from Advantage Pharmacy

“As a longstanding member of Advance Morwell, over many years we have seen how they have fostered a supportive business environment and undertaken initiatives that have helped promote and enhance Morwell.  Their tireless efforts truly make a difference in our community."


Advance Morwell and Latrobe City by creating opportunities for business and the broader community.


Our values are:

  • Innovation - embracing the power of new ideas, creativity and invention
  • Collaboration - working together to achieve great things
  • Community - achieving through connecting, interacting and growing together
  • Opportunity - creating the environment to grow and develop
  • Passion - pursuing our goals with enthusiasm and determination


Acordeón de Texto
Leadership: Drive the positive development of Morwell and its community
  • Advocacy: Lobby all levels of government to promote Morwell's growth advocating for businesses and residents

  • Business Support: Actively support businesses foster regional development

  • Unity: Establish positive links promoting unity in Latrobe City by working together with other associations on matters of wider Latrobe City interest

Marketing: Build a Positive Image for Morwell
  • Business Development: Enable the promotion and growth of Morwell's business and retail sectors

  • Community Relations: Advance the relationship between Morwell's retail, commercial and office precincts

  • Innovation: Support the creation of a modern commercial appearance for Morwell

  • Partnership: Encourage and promote the development of new and exisiting businnesses

Improvement: Enhance Morwell through business development activities promotional events, and property appearance initiatives
  • Community Relations: Strengthen relationships within Morwell's retail precincts and encourage new and exisiting business development

  • Development Opportunities: Consult with Latrobe City to facilitate retail and residential development opportunities

  • Latrobe City Collaboration: Partner with Latrobe City to enhance the built environment, public safety, and overall attractiveness of Morwell for shopping, visiting, living and working.

  • Positive Image: Build a modern commercial appearance and promote a positive image for Morwell among constituents

  • Strategic Intent: To have 200 active members making a difference to Morwell

Ensure Advance Morwell’s Ongoing Sustainability
  • Conduct ongoing membership drives to grow membership

  • Identify alternative sources of funding


Advance Morwell is managed by an Executive Committee, who are elected for a twelve month term and meet on a monthly basis.

Representing a diverse cross section of Morwell business, retail, industrial and community, the Advance Morwell Committee are actively involved in providing guidance on a wide range of issues.

Our committee members are:

- Graeme Sennett (Chair)

- Shashi Bhatti (Treasurer)

- Howard Williams

- David McInnes

- David Burt

- Alfi Prestipino

- Tony Salvatore

- Graham Lougheed

- Jenny Rutherford

- Yousef Ibrahim


Since its inception, Advance Morwell has achieved a lot:

  • Made several Parliamentary Submissions including into the closure of Hazelwood and Yallourn Power Stations, and the Rural and Regional Committee of the Victorian Parliament Centres of the Futur

  • Successfully lobbied for CCTV to address CBD behaviour issues

  • Successfully opposed TRU Energy Mine’s buffer zone claim

  • Provided significant funding to the Morwell Rose Garden for the publication of their history

  • Successfully lobbied for replacement of old CBD Subway and initiated Legacy Place to recognise Sir Stanley Savige, founder of Legacy

  • Completed Airlie Bank Homestead Restoration

  • Successfully lobbied for the new railway platform to be co-located with the bus terminus

  • Organised numerous Christmas and supported other promotions and community celebrations

  • Organised TV advertising to promote Morwell Businesses post COVID

  • Opposed bank closures in the Morwell CBD

  • Organised Celebration of Roses community events

  • Staged Gippsland Band Concert and reintroduced Morwell Christmas Carols

  • Produced "Shopping in and around the Morwell CBD”  booklet

  • Organised CBD decorative banners and Christmas decorations 

  • Completed “Morwell Rose Town” initiative (stickers and rose tubs)

  • Supported introduction of Latrobe City Gift Card

  • Successfully lobbied to replace Morwell’s Community Service signage

  • Installed town entrance welcome signage

  • Actively participated in the Morwell Town Common Committee of Management

  • Installed musical instruments in Legacy Place

  • Successfully lobbied to convert the derelict Ampol Station site into parking

  • Supported the Antiques and Collectables Show and the 100th anniversary of the 1st Morwell Scout Group

  • Consistent Christmas Events in Morwell

Contact Us:      

                                                                                                                                                                                ADVANCE MORWELL INC. |   ABN: 79 430 405 176 
Incorporated Association Number: A36948L.                                                                                                                                               Address: PO Box 1061, Morwell Vic 3841  | Chair: Graeme Sennett
 | Tel:  0417 509 149   | email: admin@advancemorwell.org.au

To Advance Morwell and the wider Latrobe City through unity and active community involvement.

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Digital Strategy + Website by.  Mariah Content Queen