Our recent Business Breakfast, guest speaker Megan Vuillermin has provided these notes from her address regarding utilizing Social Media:
The auto pilot programs that can be used to schedule social media posts etc I talked about this morning are: SmarterQueue, RecurPost, Buffer, Plann, Later…there are heaps. I am sure you can google for more. Some of these mentioned will be for different social media platforms, some may charge a little bit too, many are free for a basic level. Businesses can also ‘schedule posts’ as well from within the social media platform.
For those that missed writing down some ideas for posting on social media, they can use the following as a guideline –
Day 1 - funny / inspirational post
Day 2 - share a win / celebrate something about your team or client
Day 3 - teach your client something useful about your service, product or something that will benefit them
Day 4 - share an old post that you re-spark interest or maybe share somebody else’s post
Day 5 - best chosen when you have data that shows when your client mostly makes a purchase , if you know…sell, sell, sell.
The final strategy worthy of re-iterating was creating a 12 month marketing plan and working out your unique selling points for each month. It gives you a guide to work with rather than a hit and miss approach.
I am always available for further clarification on anything I shared this morning, 0419 878 402 or my email (I am happy for it to be published).
Thank you for the opportunity this morning, I very much enjoyed meeting your community.
Kind regards,
Megan Vuillermin
0419 878 402