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  • Our Achievements

What have we done? What do we do?

Our Executive and Members work hard to meet the Mission and Strategic goals of the Association.

Here's are some highlights of our achievements:

Legacy Place

Recognition of Sir Stanley Savige, born in Morwell, a highly decorated soldier and founder of Legacy, was a major project from its commencement in 2006 till its completion in 2010. 

A bust of our town’s most famous citizen was placed in the open area now named Legacy Place in Commerial Road, together with a Legacy Place sign set on a background featuring Legacy emblems and an adjoining plaque containing a bronze representation of Sir Stanley in his Legacy work, together with an outline of his war record and the aims and work of Legacy. 

Legatee Bill Rogers, State President of Legacy, officially dedicated the bust during Legacy Week 2006. The memorial was funded by contributions from Latrobe City Council, the Federal Government, Advance Morwell, local Rotary and Lions Clubs, local RSL Clubs, individual Legatees, members of the Savige family, and the community at large.

More recently Advance Morwell has enhanced Legacy Place with the installation of three outdoor musical instruments for the enjoyment of all. This project was made possible by a generous anonymous donation for the betterment of the town.  Legacy Place and the Savige memorial will be altered & relocated due to the rail upgrade & second platform development .

Airlie Bank Homestead Restoration

Airlie Bank homestead and farm was vacant and a target for vandals, when Advance Morwell undertook to restore it to its former glory. Advance Morwell received government employment funding to restore the homestead. This fund was supplemented by a grant from the then Latrobe Shire and by money raised from a public appeal. Airlie Bank Homestead was restored under the guidance of Max Williamson and Advance Morwell. A number of working bees, the first on August 28 1999, cleared the overgrown garden area. Restoration of the homestead started on October 11 and was completed for the official opening on April 16, 2000.

Since its restoration Airlie Bank homestead has been home to ‘Dad’s War Stuff’, a collection of World War 1 memorabilia collected by George Auchterlonie, a Light Horseman and former Morwell Shire President. More recently it has been the base for the Carers Association and from July 2010 - 2017 it housed “Bev’s Wonderworld of Dolls”.

The homestead has been recognised by Latrobe City Council as an important part of our heritage and has been included in the City’s Heritage register.

CBD Traders Sub-Committee      

Recognising the particular needs of the Morwell CBD, Advance Morwell facilitated and incubated the establishment of a CBD specific traders group, which now operates as a sub-committee of Advance Morwell. A significant achievement of the traders group is the annual "Spirit of Christmas" promotion & other feature days. Advance Morwell partnered with LCBTA to bring the Shop Latrobe Gift Card program as an exclusive benefit for our business members, this project has now been taken over by Latrobe City to cover the whole LGA.

Shop Morwell Booklet

Following receipt of a grant from the Victorian Government and the Latrobe City Council, Advance Morwell facilitated the production of a booklet called "Shopping in and Around the Morwell CBD"  All CBD businesses were listed and were given a copy of the booklet, it was also distributed to local accommodation providers and tourist attractions.

CBD Decorative Banners

Advance Morwell organised for the installation of a number of decorative banners to enhance the visual amenity of the CBD and record significant elements of our past.  These banner murals depict roses, the town’s history, the role of the electricity industry and the area's multicultural history.  There was significant community input to the design, with financial support received from Advance Morwell, Latrobe City Council, and owners of the buildings. More recently Advance Morwell has contributed to the 'street art' installations on buildings throughout the town.

Town Entrance Signage

Building on the rose theme, Advance Morwell lobbied extensively at local and State Government levels to get approval to install welcome signage on the Princes Freeway entries to Morwell.   Eventually overcoming  opposition to this initiative, attractive signs for three entrances to Morwell have been installed.  Advance Morwell commissioned the same graphic artist who designed our building banners to produce Welcome to Morwell signs, which also compliment our shop window stickers.

Celebration of Roses

Every year from 2000 to 2007 Advance Morwell organised  a Celebration of Roses community event in the Morwell Rose Garden. Since 2008, the garden has hosted a  concert featuring municipal bands from all over Gippsland. In 2018 Advance Morwell initiated a revival of this event as the Morwell Rose Garden Festival

Gippsland Band Concert in Rose Garden

For a number of years, Advance Morwell has co-operated with the Morwell Brass Band to stage a combined Bands of Gippsland Concert in the Rose Garden. 

Morwell Rose Planter Tubs and Window Stickers

In 2009, Advance Morwell initiated a project to “Badge Morwell as a Rose Town”.  Aiming to build on the wide recognition of the World-Renowned Centenary Rose Garden, Advance Morwell organised for each business to receive a rose emblem sticker for its window.

In addition, rose planter tubs were provided to go in front of businesses that undertake to look after them.  This is a project involving support from the Friends of the Rose Garden and Latrobe City Council.  There are now forty attractive concrete tubs containing hardy rose plants and annuals which have been provided to businesses in Commercial Rd, George Street, and Tarwin Street.  

Rose Garden Enhancement & Signage

Advance Morwell has partnered with the Rose Garden Committee and Latrobe City to provide an additional display and storage building at the Commercial Rd end of the garden. This building also includes a visual display about the Rose Garden and its roses as well as the major tourist attractions in and around Morwell.

Christmas Decorations

Advance Morwell developed a strategy to maximise the impact of Christmas decorations in the CBD and over a period of years, spent Council grant funds to further enhance this display.

Reintroduction of Christmas Carols in Morwell

Advance Morwell, worked together with St.Mary's Church, the Latrobe City Brass Band and other music groups, to reintroduce a Morwell Christmas Carols event, which is staged at St.Mary's Church

Spirit of Christmas Activities

The CBD traders sub-committee has promoted a variety of Christmas celebrations since their inception that have built on the CBD decorations & Christmas Carols activities of the past.

Community Service Signage

Advance Morwell successfully lobbied Latrobe City to replace the Community Service signage at Morwell’s entrances.   As a result of this lobbying, Latrobe City upgraded Community Service signage throughout the municipality.

Behaviour Issues in CBD 

As members of the Latrobe City CBD safety committee, Advance Morwell represented  the Community and worked closely with Latrobe City Council and other organisations to resolve this issue.  The installation of security cameras (as requested by Advance Morwell) was a major factor in achieving success.

Development of the Town Common      

Advance Morwell plays an active role on the committee of management for the Morwell Town Common and has lobbied for the continual development of this facility. 

Northwest Housing Development Project.

Advance Morwell played a leading role in successfully opposing  the then TRUEnergy’s buffer zone claim that would have greatly reduced the number of available housing blocks in the Northwest Housing Development.  A major new housing development is now under way.

Contact Us:      

                                                                                                                                                                                ADVANCE MORWELL INC. |   ABN: 79 430 405 176 
Incorporated Association Number: A36948L.                                                                                                                                               Address: PO Box 1061, Morwell Vic 3841  | Chair: Graeme Sennett
 | Tel:  0417 509 149   | email: admin@advancemorwell.org.au

To Advance Morwell and the wider Latrobe City through unity and active community involvement.

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