Thank you for your attendance.
It is always a challenge to get members to attend AGM's. Last year we tried a breakfast meeting at the new Technical School and this year we have tried to encourage members to attend by providing drinks and nibbles – I think we just have to accept that people generally are not interested in attending Annual meetings.
Our meeting tonight marks the 21st year of operation of Advance Morwell and another year of serving the Morwell and Latrobe city community.
Your committee have continued to meet each month and during the year have changed our meeting venue from the Rose Garden to the Morwell Bowling Cub due to the unavailability of the Rose Garden Meeting Room. We have also changed the date of our meetings from the first Tuesday of the month to the second Tuesday to suit the availability of committee members.
We wish to acknowledge the management and staff of the Morwell Bowling Club for their generosity in providing a venue for our meetings.
I would like to recognize the Committee Members who have served the organisation over the past year -Graeme Sennett Vice President and Minute Secretary; Shashi Bhatti, our Treasurer: Keith Brownbill, Correspondence Secretary; Howard Williams. Membership: Lauren Marks and Matilda Lappin, Business Sector; Bev Lorraine, David McInnes, Jenny Rutherford,
General Meeting of Members
A general Meeting of members was held on Tuesday 25th June – with Guest Karen Cain, CEO Latrobe Valley Authority, who reported on the past and present work of the authority.
Business Sector
Following the departure of Lynn Keeley to Tasmania, Lauren Marks has taken over the role of the coordinator of the Traders Group, organizing and supporting promotions in the Morwell CBD and I thank Lauren for her efforts in promoting businesses and making a significant contribution to the work of Advance Morwell and the Business Community. This role has recently been taken over by Matilda Lappin and we also thank Matilda for her efforts in a very difficult retail climate.
Again, this year I record the challenge of obtaining suitable Committee Members who are willing to assume Executive Roles. This situation has not changed, and we could still do with some new committee members those with the attributes enabling them to undertake Office Bearers roles of Chairman and Secretary. If this trend continues and we do not have people coming forward to accept the responsibility of running the organisation, then the future of our Advance Morwell becomes uncertain which could result in us going into recess.
I have continued to represent Advance Morwell on the Future Morwell Steering Committee (Morwell Project) which was formed after the Mine Fire to deliver on a plan for the Development of the Morwell CBD. I am pleased to report that the majority of the under road work has been completed, the parklets have been constructed and work has now stopped for the pre-Christmas period. Additional funding has been received from the State Government and work has commenced on the project which will see the implementation of the plan for Commercial Road from Hazelwood Road to Tarwin Street, with the restoration of the Pop-up Park in Tarwin Street while retaining two-way traffic.
I have also represented Advance Morwell on the Community Recovery Committee which was formed at the time of the Hazelwood Mine Fire and has continued its activities over the past 4 - l /2 years.
Over this time, we have worked with several agencies to produce an Emergency Management Plan for Morwell. I am again disappointed to say that we still have not achieved this objective and if a major incident occurred now, we would be no better off that we were when the Mine Fire occurred.
Howard Williams has accepted the role of representing Advance Morwell on the Yallourn Mine Environment Group, and we thank Howard for accepting this position and his work maintaining our membership records.
Keith Brownbill was our representative on the Rose Garden Celebration Committee.
We have continued to lobby both the Latrobe City Council and the State and Federal Governments on issues affecting Morwell, Latrobe City and Gippsland.
We have met with our Morwell Council representatives and have had continued contact with Our Morwell Councilors and Independent Member for Morwell Russell Northe.
We have continued to maintain a close relationship with ENGIE through Lauren Carey to ensure we have current knowledge of their plans for rehabilitation and fire protection.
Mine Rehabilitation
We continue our interest and involvement in the Management of Hazelwood Rehabilitation Works. Advance Morwell will continue to monitor and be involved in discussions on the Mine rehabilitation as it progresses.
Of interest and concern is the work being undertaken to minimize the risk of any further fire incidents in the mine.
Gippsland Rail Project Implementation
We have continued our interest in the Gippsland Rail Project as it relates to improvements at the Morwell Station and travel times between the Latrobe Valley and Melbourne.
We have been also had a continuing involvement with the State Government in lobbying the Public Transport Melissa Horne, to achieve the additional car parking at the Morwell Train Station on the site of the former petrol station and garage.
We believe this is a strategic site and one which provides easy access to the station which is safe, and we have urged the minister to develop this site.
We have also reviewed and provided input into the proposed location of Morwell’s second rail platform as initial plans impacted parking and Legacy Place, while providing a suboptimal arrival experience for rail patrons. We have argued for an offset platform arrangement with visually appealing access from Legacy Place, with additional access from the Bus Terminal to facilitate intermodal transfers.
Latrobe convention Centre Business Case and Concept
Council would now seek funding for the renovation of Kernot Hall
Traralgon Bypass
We continue to work with the Committee for Gippsland to achieve the Traralgon Bypass which is essential for the future of the transport industry in Gippsland.
Legacy Place Power Supply
Unfortunately, the redevelopment of Legacy Place and the provision of a power supply on site has been delayed due to the planned construction of a second platform at the Morwell Train Station. The plan for Legacy Place is dependent of the final location of the platform.
Latrobe City Forum
You will remember that last year I reported that my efforts over several years to re-establish meetings between the Latrobe City Council and town groups.
It was suggested by Council that a better way to achieve this would be through the Latrobe Valley Authority. The CEO undertook to commence the process which would bring the three major towns groups together with the LCBTA assisted by an officer from LVA.
Again, I report that the progress and assistance from the LA Authority has been extremely disappointing.
We value all our longstanding members and those who have joined more recently in supporting us to advocate for Morwell & Latrobe City.
We have again provided sponsorship to the Gippsland Antiques and Collectables Fair held at Kernot Hall and the Rose Garden Celebration. This year we also provided financial assistance for Morwell Students to attend the Boolarra Tom Curtain Speak up Tour on February 16th”
To better represent the association, we purchased external display banners and a marquee for use at events run by or sponsored by Advance Morwell.
We again laid a wreath on Anzac Day to remember all Morwell Residents who have served their country in times of conflict.
I would like to thank you for your attendance tonight.